My name is Megan Brennek. And I’m a plotaholic.

I confess, I’m addicted to plot.  Complicated spirals of intrigue and ensuing complications.  It makes my mouth water.  So when I read a romance novel and the characters are trapped in a cabin (again) during a snowstorm (yawn)* and they basically just walk from room to room keeping secrets from each other and miscommunicating, I want to tear my hair out.  Not that I’m talking about any specific novel.  At least if they’re going to be trapped in a cabin in the snow there should be a crazed killer on the loose and newborn to take care of!

The thing is, my addiction could cause a problem with our first novel.  I am attempting to wean myself from the exciting plot and focus on the romance, which is also exciting but in a different way.  But alas, the murders and crime scene investigation scenes keep pulling me back for more.  My characters take an airplane flight together and all they want to talk about is the case!  They patently refuse to discuss their relationship.  Grr.  Disobedient characters.  So, stay tuned – this one may turn out to be more of a romantic thriller than a contemporary romance.  I promise to let you know!

*Note: author retains all rights to using this plot device in the future.